Durable Execution
This topic covers the emerging Durable Execution technology. This technology will run your code until completion even in the presence of hardware or software failure.
Persistent serverless state machines with XState and Restate
published on 2024/11/02 -
OMS: A reference Temporal application
published on 2024/10/15 -
Zero-latency SQLite storage in every Durable Object
published on 2024/10/14 -
Cloud Actor-Oriented Database Transactions in Orleans
published on 2024/08/28 -
Incremental migration to Temporal
published on 2024/08/21 -
Building bulletproof applications with Temporal
published on 2024/04/17 -
Idempotency and Durable Execution
published on 2024/03/17 -
Restate 0.8 has arrived
published on 2024/03/07 -
When "letting it crash" is not enough
published on 2024/02/08