Gleam version 1.0

published on 2024/03/05

Gleam is a programming language that tries to make your job as a writer and maintainer of software systems as predictable, stress-free, and enjoyable as possible.

The language is consistent and has a small surface area, making it possible to learn in an afternoon. Coupled with a lack of magic and a strong desire to have only one way of doing things, Gleam is typically easy to read and understand. Reading and debugging code is more difficult than writing new code, so we optimise for this.

Gleam has robust static analysis and a type system inspired by languages such as Elm, OCaml, and Rust, so the compiler serves as a programming assistant, giving you additional context to help you make the change you want to make. Don’t worry about writing perfect code the first time round, with Gleam refactoring is low risk and low stress so you can continue to improve your code as you learn more about the problem at hand.

Running and administrating software is as important as writing it. Gleam runs on the Erlang virtual machine, a mature and battle-tested platform that powers many of the world’s most reliable and scalable systems, such as WhatsApp. Gleam can also run on JavaScript runtimes, making it possible to run Gleam code in the browser, on mobile devices, or anywhere else.