Awards & Recognition

Over the years, we've been honored with industry awards and recognition that reflect our dedication to delivering value and driving progress in the tech world

Minister of Emigration Affairs

Minister of Emigration Affairs

Minister of Emigration Affairs honoring SilverKey Technologies for its successful efforts in building the new ministry’s online presence, along with needed online portals and mobile apps.

Minister of Manpower

Minister of Manpower

Minister of Manpower honoring SilverKey Technologies for its successful efforts in the digital transformation project of the Ministry of Manpower, Labour Inspection & Occupational Safety & Health Inspection.

International Labour Organization

International Labour Organization

Appreciation certificate from ILO for SilverKey's efforts.

Taly for Digital Payments

Taly for Digital Payments

Taly for Digital Payments recognizes SilverKey Technologies for its pivotal role in building Egypt’s first comprehensive digital payments ecosystem, showcasing expertise in distributed systems and mobile development.

International Labour Organization

International Labour Organization

Ms. Marwa Salah, National Project Manager at ILO, and Eng. Taher El-Shafei, CEO of SilverKey Technologies.



GIZ celebrates SilverKey Technologies' success in developing the Quality Management System to enhance the monitoring and evaluation of quality in Egypt's technical education schools.